Matt's pinterest

Dat painting doe

This is an abstract painting I have created. It was inspired in part by the piece "Owh in San Pao" by Stuart Davis. I decided I liked the word "owh" so I threw it in there to make my homage to Davis true and obvious. The bottom half almost reminds me of some minimalist art, the way the solid color trumpet stands out against the blue background. The top half of the painting, however, has a lot more going on, and I kind of like the fact that thats how it turned out. Almost like a yin-yang balance sort of deal where the top half has all this chaos, and a jagged transition between the two background colors and everything is uneven and distorted, while the bottom half is a lot more calm but not in a lame way. The bottom half almost demands your attention more than the top part because the trumpet is the origin of all the chaos. The other neat fact about this painting was that it seemed to paint itself. I started with the word OWH and everything came from that, inside at the last moment I decided I wanted to put a trumpet in so I did.

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